Choosing a revenue-driving chat tool
Overall Satisfaction with Drift
Drift is being used as a chat function through our Sales Development Team. Drift allows for us to manage customer questions in real time to provide our website users with quick answers about product related inquiries. Drift is cutting down on our lead follow up time, which accelerates our sales cycles and is also being used to help create a better overall customer experience when using our website.
- Allows for real time conversations.
- Allows for customers to book meetings directly with our sales staff.
- Allows us to answer customer inquiries during non-business hours.
- Better Marketo integration to pre-populate custom fields with values from our CRMs.
- Better data append services.
- Reporting is getting better, but can still be expanded.
- Better lead follow up time.
- Increased conversion rates from MQL to SQL.
- Viewed as a resource for everything (negative).
- Intercom
Drift made chat cool again. Drift was able to market themselves in a different way, that wasn't just an ordinary chat. The ability to craft your journeys up front that allows you to be prescriptive in how to handle your inquiries was a real positive. When evaluating their product, they outlined their roadmap and their plans around AI and other features. I liked their package and offerings.
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