Miro, the cool and effective bud in the block!
November 22, 2022

Miro, the cool and effective bud in the block!

Mirna Rodriguez | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Miro

We use Miro to foster team collaboration, alignment and ideation. We use the Continuous Discovery method and our sessions every week are using a Miro for brainstorming and presenting the findings of last week in a place where we can place notes, ask questions and move things around easily. As a researcher I also use it to debrief user information, I often place user research in there and start clustering to get insights that later on I share with my product manager.
  • Makes UX Research easier with post-it labeling.
  • Helps to foster collaboration, and easier to learn than MURAL.
  • The amazing add-on libraries (like the wireframes one) helps a lot to agilize the sessions.
  • When you try to use it for building geometrical shapes, it could be easier to do so, it's sometimes a "selection nitemare".
  • When Miro updates... please don't me refresh every canvas; I have usually at least 7 open at the same time.
  • Can't understand why post-it size is not in the post-it icon in the left navigation menu.
  • It improves team productivity.
  • Provides agile decision making.
  • Allows to review and work offline previous meeting steps.
I did not participate in the integration, and the survey is not allowing me to skip the question my apologies.
All the User Research team is remote, as most teams in FREE NOW; hence every time we need to collaborate online, drop ideas, or be silly and create some team building, we use Miro. It's way easier than trying this in any power point, and it allows other teams to have transparency about what we are doing so that they can get a sense of where we are without asking us directly.

Do you think Miro delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Miro's feature set?


Did Miro live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Miro go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Miro again?


Miro and MURAL are very similar indeed, but Miro is like a young and cool person who is ready to take the world, and MURAL is a little bit more formal. Miro has superb drawing capabilities, even the drawing and dragging shapes feature is better in Miro (Still a point of improvement) When I was using MURAL, I felt restricted by only using post-its and arrows; with Miro, we have more add-ins that help us think, icons to highlight important themes and again, things like the wireframes library to make our jobs fasters. Overall, Miro is the winner here, especially for tech companies and start-ups.
It's well suited when people's ideas are scattered or you need a place for ideation and collaboration; it helps a lot to converge ideas. It's not well suited for heavy research tracking; search functionality it's good but not for managing research in the long term; you might lose your info if you are not rigorous about creating folders and taxonomies to correctly follow through the data.