Miro opened the way to flexible working in our company culture
October 01, 2023

Miro opened the way to flexible working in our company culture

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Miro

We have several ways to use miro. First of all we can use it as a board to put all our research results and easily drag around different insights to form groups of insights. Secondly, we can also use it to gain feedback from stakeholders and get everyone's input. We can drag in different templates and ask for everyone's opinions on certain design choices or ways of working. Finally, we also use it to organize workshops and get a group of people working on a problem together. This can be anything like a brainstorm session on how to improve certain parts of our website, or a brainstorm session to translate research insights into several design ideas.
  • Great templates, especially with miroverse
  • The way you can group boards into different projects, and groups but also "favourite" personal boards, works especially well for a big organizations with many many boards
  • It looks amazing, I way prefer the way miro looks over Mural
  • I love being able to see where everyone is, but also being able to turn that off when it becomes too much
  • board sharing with a link so guest users can see it even without an account, but for companies it can be set to private mode where only people from within the company can access boards
  • Creating your own templates and being able to re-use them in any board
  • Maybe recommend users when there are too many items on a board, making it likely for the board to become slower
  • Allow users to choose how their links are displayed. Sometimes you drop a link in a board and it automatically has a certain view. Maybe you want to show the entire page or just an image. But you don't get the choice
  • You have the "make everyone follow me" button, but in certain situations it might be interesting to split the group. So 1 facilitator can press "make group 1 follow me" and the other facilitator can press "make group 2 follow me" when going into breakout rooms. This is very situational though
  • We definitely have improved productivity as it helps to engage your team a lot more, being able to show them everything in the board
  • Especially during covid, it really helped that this tool allowed a LOT of companies to keep doing their work
  • Increased flexibility. Usually there is a workshop at the office and someone is not there, we had to continue without that person. With miro, you are able to be flexible and do workshops with people from home or at the office combined
our teams are way more flexible, as we are able to work with people who are at the office or at home. Especially in the time that everyone had to work from home, it kept our productivity up since workshops were an important part of our work back then. but even now it really allows teams to work more flexible.

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I really like the way miro looks initially. But upon using both I also felt miro was faster/quicker somehow. Which made it easier to work with. Then when diving deeper, I just preferred the templates that miro provided and the way I could group and structure my projects clearly. This all allowed me to see miro as more of a product I saw myself using on the long term.
Great for workshops, aligning your team and also showcasing designs and work you have done without feeling like you have to make it "presentation perfect". the space really allows you to view someone's work and give feedback without having the need of someone to create a presentation first to show their work. Everything can be done in one space