Twilio Improves Associate Satisfaction for My Client
May 22, 2024

Twilio Improves Associate Satisfaction for My Client

Lizzy Hanna | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Programmable SMS

Overall Satisfaction with Twilio

I am a consultant, and so with my client I have used Twilio’s Studio, Programmable Messaging, API, Segment, and Frontline products to implement automated assignment satisfaction surveys for my client’s associates. My client is a staffing agency that staffs associates on various assignments for their customers, and we have found that associates who have the ability to provide feedback on their assignment are more likely to return to the job site day after day. We also wanted a channel to be able to quickly address any concerns that arose during the surveys, so we were able to use Frontline to have that human touch in the experience. We were able to scale the assignment satisfaction surveys to many hundreds of associates per day in a fully automated system using Studio, compared to their previous method of manually running a query, downloading a CSV of associates, sending out mass texts and manually replying to every response. Overall, using Twilio products increased efficiency within the organization, improves associate experience, and provides valuable data through which my client can find ways to improve. I have also helped my client use Twilio Segment for creating marketable audiences and capturing events.
  • Low-code platforms like Twilio Studio have the opportunity to be genuinely low-code and not just advertised as such, compared to other “low-code” platforms
  • Integrations between its various products
  • Brand visibility and awareness
  • Technical support
  • Segment’s email identifier is case-sensitive, which is ridiculous because emails themselves are not case-sensitive. This means that if I send a capitalized email address in an identify call, it will create a duplicate user rather than matching it with the lowercase email. I think this is a technical oversight that should be corrected.
  • I’d like to see more information about the eventual transition of existing Frontline customers to Twilio Flex
  • I’d like to see some integrations between Twilio Studio and OpenAI or another open source LLM to provide automated responses, if this hasn’t been done already
  • I would like to be able to drag and move the actual lines connecting the steps in Twilio Studio, sometimes mine can get pretty messy
  • I think a Bug Report form would be beneficial for developers
  • We found that associates who had the opportunity to respond to a survey about their assigned job were 37% more likely to return to a job site
  • We were able to reduce the number of resources required to manually respond to associates using Twilio Studio, so those resources could have more time to complete other tasks
  • We were able to scale the number of associates who received survey messages at least by a factor of 8 without increasing our resource demand
My client has 3 channels with Twilio that I personally know about, and I have worked with 2 of those channels. The 2 channels I have worked with were sufficient for our purposes, but I cannot speak on the other channels that they might have or their plans regarding them.
My client was able to scale at least by a factor of 8 the number of associates that could be reached with their assignment satisfaction surveys. This has allowed my client to improve associate satisfaction and gather more data on the job sites and assignments that they oversee, and to quickly respond to any problems that arise. Twilio’s scalability would allow my client to add other types of surveys or reach associates with non-US phone numbers if they so choose.
Twilio’s availability is very high but like any product, there are some rare times where it is unavailable and API requests fail. But I still rate it very highly because it has a very high rate limit and I have never had issues accessing Twilio Segment or Console. I also rated it a 9 instead of a 10 because you mentioned it being a permanent solution, which is not true in my client’s case because we implemented the solution using Twilio Frontline, which is being sunsetted; that is not a permanent solution and will need to be redone later with Twilio Flex.

Do you think Twilio delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Twilio's feature set?


Did Twilio live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Twilio go as expected?


Would you buy Twilio again?


I think Twilio has a very powerful set of tools that can be beneficial for almost any business, but it is on the more expensive side (and for good reason) so I wouldn’t recommend it to very small businesses or anyone wanting a cheaper solution. But for medium to large orgs, there are a plethora of ways to gain value from these products. I’ve only used Twilio with my current client, but I will be recommending Twilio Segment to future clients for capturing and processing customer data and building marketable audiences. One use case is using Twilio Segment as a way to manage marketing opt-ins and compliance, I have used Functions to capture opt-out data from events and send that info to One Trust and other systems, for example. Another use case is mass texts such as surveys; or customer support using Twilio Flex (especially with the new AI context features coming out). It would not be appropriate for a business who does not have a large spend for marketing, or maybe a B2B who doesn’t address the individual customers directly.