Qualifacts InSync offers a cloud-based healthcare IT solutions configured specifically to the user's practice and workflows. EHR, practice management, medical billing, telemedicine, e-prescribing and patient portal for practices of all sizes.
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The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other software in similar categories
eClinicalWorks headquartered in Westborough offers their EHR / EMR solution, which can be upgraded to a full practice management solution at higher pricing tiers.
Kareo Practice Management provides cloud-based management
and billing solutions for small medical offices. Some key features include:
Complete Patient Management, Powerful Scheduler & Patient Reminders,
Insurance Billing & Reporting, and Robust Patient Billing &
Life's Work Clinic (Health, Wellness and Fitness, 1-10 employees)
capability to offer services that adapt to our increasing demands. The cost of the system is a bit prohibitive for solo practitioners or very small practices
Elliott Counseling Group (Mental Health Care, 51-200 employees)
Insync Healthcare Solutions for (e.g., if you do any lab requests to make the cost point work well, you have to do a higher number of labs at a time). Previously … telehealth through Zoom add on, but they took feedback well and did lower the cost of the additional programming.…
Children's Home Society of Idaho (Mental Health Care, 51-200 employees)
be recorded / created. Insync Healthcare Solutions is roughly the same price/month, and a far better product. Very streamlined. Easy workflows. Organized
item that can be individualized to meet the needs of a company at an affordableprice. … When we were looking for an EMR the difficulty we faced was finding an affordable EMR that could meet our very divers…