Deputy saves you time, money and improves staff communication
Overall Satisfaction with Deputy
We use Deputy to on-board new employees, roster them on programs and export timesheets for payroll in Xero. It addresses our needs to keep an accurate and up-to-date roster system that does all the heavy lifting in communicating with our staff. It replaces the need for us to use a paper copy of our timesheets. Before using Deputy, it would take supervisors extra time to collate paper timesheets to send to the bookkeeper in order to do payroll.
- Ability to update and change the roster with the click of a button.
- Easy to access timesheets for staff.
- Ability to track different programs and locations within our business.
- I would love for Deputy to be able to calculate allowances - we currently have to do this manually.
- I would love to be able to edit the award rates for Saturdays and Sundays as we pay above the award rate.
- Saved time in processing payroll and associated admin.
- Improved accuracy of wage budgeting.
- Saved time and frustration clocking on and off for staff.
We used Google Forms and Google Docs to manage the roster and availability of staff. It was not time efficient to input all the data manually and then share and reshare the roster via email every time a change was made.
Do you think Deputy delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with Deputy's feature set?
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Would you buy Deputy again?
Using Deputy
29 - Marketing, Admin, Casual playworkers, Area management
4 - Time management, budgeting, technical problem solving, organizational processing
- Rostering.
- Budgeting.
- Timesheet recording.
- Integration with Payroll.
- Timesheet tracking of locations and programs.
- Ensuring staff ratios are met.
- Recording volunteers with empty shifts.
- Recording the presence of volunteers without having to pay additional fees to them.
Evaluating Deputy and Competitors
- Product Features
- Product Reputation
We trialed Deputy on recommendation from casual staff who used it for clocking in and out of other jobs. It was exactly what we were looking for as we were expanding.
The process for us was quick and easy. Deputy solved problems we didn't realize we had! It wasn't until we started having more staff that we understood the importance of all the functions of a Rostering and Timesheet system.
Deputy Implementation
- Implemented in-house
Change management was minimal
- Navigating the system initially.
- Understanding where information lived in the employee section.
- Syncing the system with our external applications.
Deputy Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Immediate help available Support understands my problem Support cares about my success Quick Initial Response | None |
No, we have only required support for small problems that have always been resolved promptly.
Deputy responded to a query that I had about syncing my accounting app to the timesheets. I had someone on the support chat helping me through every step and we found the issue within five minutes. They stepped me through the process to isolate the problem in a way that was easy to understand.
Using Deputy
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- Rostering and duplicating shifts.
- Timesheet approval.
- Exporting timesheets to Xero.
- Updating payrates.
- Adding allowances to timesheets.
Yes - The mobile interface is easy to read and the buttons and layout are clear.
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