Google Hangouts Chat - the most versatile communication tool you'll ever need
Overall Satisfaction with Google Hangouts Chat
Google chat has been a great tool for efficient communications with my team members because it features mobile and desktop apps. It is helpful to have channels of conversation between 2 or more people on the same project, as well as video calling through Google meets that's integrated directly into Google Chat - this option adds states such as when you're in meetings or busy. Google chat is a great tool for adding attachment files without having to send them as an email. Google hangouts are the most-used app in our organization. It's where we talk to each other, share files and documents with one another, or have meetings that are led by video calls using this amazing tool!
- Improve efficiency with faster chat conversations
- Share files quickly and easily
- Cut down on company costs with easy-to-use, free software
- Mobile and Desktop app
- Google hangouts has room for improvement with its user interface.
- A better way to create channels of specific topics
- Bigger avatars for people i talk or work with
- Free communication with team members and clients at no expense
- Easy way to schedule meeting and video calls - saves time
- Fast and easy search for documents and text messages - saves time
Google Hangouts is the better app for saving chats. With Slack, you'll need to buy a premium license and if your team reaches more than 20 members then things can get expensive. Slack may be cheaper initially but as soon as somebody adds new employees or contractors they will all have their own accounts with different pricing structures which make managing access difficult (if not impossible). That's why I recommend using Google Hangout instead- it stores everything in one place without any extra fees!
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