Highspot: a "must buy" for any sales team
May 24, 2019
Highspot: a "must buy" for any sales team

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Highspot
Was adopted and utilized by the sales team as a whole. The ability to find, share, and track collateral was an incredible time saver.
- Track interactions with your documents.
- The ability to create and share custom pitches within just a few clicks.
- User-friendly
- Visuals.
- Expanded tracking abilities.
- Exorbitant hours saved on tedious busy work.
- Time back in my day to focus on selling.
- More professional pitches being shared/elevates the quality of work I'm presenting and sharing.
Although I was not privy to the selection process, our product marketing manager was extremely heavy in selecting the right tool for our Sales team and collaborated with us to figure out exactly which features we needed, and what we didn't. Highspot checked all the boxes and then some, and adoption was team-wide.
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