Great tool to increase leads and binge content!
August 31, 2019

Great tool to increase leads and binge content!

Steven Wilson | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with PathFactory

At Alert Logic, we use PathFactory as a content binging tool. This allows us to show various assets to each visitor with one click compared to showing one asset per landing page. By giving the visitors the ability to see several assets, we are able to increase the visibility of our offerings and increase our engagement score when a visitor jumps from one offering to the next.
  • The ability to track the engagement for each piece of content/asset.
  • Excellent customer success team that was able to work with us to get us up and running in no time.
  • PathFactory is able to integrate with other platforms such as Marketo, Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics.
  • From a UX Developer, the ability to better customize the content tracks for visitors, especially the generic form.
  • We have seen an increase in leads since we implemented PathFactory 10 months ago.
We are using PathFactory so far to the fullest extent. The content tracks help our visitors to see and stay engaged with various assets. So far, PathFactory has worked out for us and is a great tool to add to any company's Marketing Team.
Getting setup was more work than we expected, but that's probably because we had more tools integrate with it. The biggest time was spent implementing the majority of our content offerings and making sure from a UX standpoint that it didn't' disrupt the user's flow. Other than that, from a UX Developer, it was was actually pretty fun to tinker with another tool.
With PathFactory, it lets buyers consume as much content as they need to in order to make a decision. You don't have to rely heavily on your nurture programs because you can setup the right content/asset as soon as the content track launched. This gives the buyer the decision to read as much content as they want.
There were no other alternatives. PathFactory was recommended to us and so far it has worked out.
If you are a medium to a large company with various assets/content pieces at your disposal and you need lead generation, then PathFactory is your choice. This is probably not well suited for smaller companies as you would need a considerable amount of assets and traffic to your site to see any kind of ROI.

PathFactory Feature Ratings

Content hub
Forms / Gated content
Embedded CTAs
Content automation
Audience profiling and targeting
Closed-loop tracking and reporting
Content performance analytics