Xactly is only average
March 21, 2014

Xactly is only average

Nancy James | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 5 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction

Sales Commissions for 40 sales staff.


  • Setting up sales plans for 2014 was not difficult
  • Importing is easy
  • Calculating has not taken more than 30 minutes


  • Sales Commission Report is not useable; long, difficult to read, cannot print it out
  • When you correct a deal of an employee (manage deals), it defaults back to the beginning of employees. You have to start over and find the correct employee to correct remainder of deal.
  • Duplications of deals from importing; do not know why - only one deal in salesforce
  • To determine the payout schedule of a deal is not part of sales commission report; must combine several pieces of information to get a monthly report
  • We use Salesforce for our leads and Apttus for purchase orders. We do not use Xactly for anything but sales commissions
I did not chose Xactly and do not know how it stacks up against other products
The worst part is the complaints from sales staff. They cannot read and use their sales commission report. They are always asking questions and do not understand what they have been paid. I do lots of manual entries to get the system to work for us.
1. Reports for sales staff
2. Commission accrual
3. Is onsite consulting available for our company?
4. Where is support located? Is it 24/7?


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