Simple, Easy, Efficient Proofing Software
October 20, 2021

Simple, Easy, Efficient Proofing Software

Kali Foley | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Ziflow

At our company, we up-fit emergency and utility vehicles. In my department, we take care of all the customers' graphic design/print needs. Our process greatly involves Ziflow. We needed software that allowed us to send large design files to clients in order for them to approve or make changes to the design. Our previous way of sending proofs was PDFs in emails. Most of the time I couldn't send them. When I started looking for proofing software, I knew what I needed in order to boost productivity. Ziflow does just that. They have even started integrating with other software to make the workflow even better.


  • Easy to upload any file type for proofing.
  • Security of proofs, to make sure customers can't take the design somewhere else.
  • Communication within the proof, between customers and employees. Edits that need to be done and questions or comments about the design are extremely easy to take care of.
  • Organization within Ziflow. You are able to create folders for each and every client to keep everything all in one place.
  • Their extensions are growing. They just merged with Adobe Creative Cloud. The extension is in its starting phase, but it is a huge timesaver compared to jumping from page to page.


  • Adobe Illustrator extension: they are just starting with this and it could definitely use some editing, from sending the proof to comments. Small features that are currently on the webpage could definitely be added to the extension.
  • An easier way to show customers how to use the software. Maybe a small walk-through once they open the proof. Currently, we have to put a help video in the message we send to customers. Most of the time they just email us back with questions or changes.
  • Sleep mode: you can set a toggle to not put the webpage into sleep mode, but for some reason, it still tries to log you out unless you click the 'still working' button.
  • For one, definitely improved efficiency. We are so busy I had to hire another designer to keep up with the workload.
  • Timing: now, with the proofing software we are able to send multiple proofs instantly. It used to be one at a time and minor changes required new files to be saved separately.
  • The negative impact would be if some small features were added to the Illustrator extension, maybe to make the steps less long, I could output more designs faster. Currently, I have to switch from software to webpage to send proofs.
We, as a three-person team, in our small, growing business don't really have to rely on Ziflow that way. We more or less need it for the customers to receive their designs in a timely fashion. We do however add each other to verify any mistakes or questions before sending them off to customers. This is helpful, so we don't have to leave our desks to check out the files.
Our graphics team has grown within the last year. I would say that Ziflow has been a huge help with keeping our team running smoothly and efficiently. We are able to send the proofs without checking out each others computers and comment on the proofs without calling each other over the phone. The approval process from customers has been growing and growing.

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Since our company is centered around certain types of graphics it really came down to which one would deliver exactly what we needed it to do. PageProof was great software, but at the time Ziflow fit our department just a little bit more. We weren't looking for an all-around software, just a simpler and easier way to send proofs to clients.
We used to send PDFs to customers and that was such a hassle. We either couldn't send the file, without Google freaking out on us, or my email would get so bogged down with all the edits customers were wanting. Now with Ziflow, all the proofs and comments are kept in one place. At any point, you can go back to look at what the client wanted to change.


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