Alida CXM (formerly Vision Critical) is designed to enable users to listen to direct & indirect sources of customer feedback, perform automated actions on collected feedback and have complete visibility into key customer experience metrics so users can create exemplary customer experiences day after day. Alida CXM offers a holistic customer experience platform that brings in both operational and experiential data, integrates this data with the tools to collect, understand and action customer…
Score 7.9 out of 10
Qualtrics is software for advanced quantitative and qualitative research to design products that satisfy customers, increase market share, and build enduring brands. The platform brings sophisticated quant and qual research together with analytics in a single platform.
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Qualtrics XM for Strategy and Research
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Alida CXM
Qualtrics XM for Strategy and Research
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Qualtrics provides very similar panel manage capabilities with much better functionality.
As described earlier in the review, I believe Vision Critical provides a fantastic survey tool. However, I think that some other tools are just as good for simply programming and deploying surveys. The thing that makes Vision Critical stand above the rest is the opportunity it …
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Chose Alida CXM
Based on ease of use and having the most varied tools available, Vision Critical would be the best. Based on ability to higher response rates and increase engagement of respondents, Vision Critical would be the best. Based on ability to customize, Vision Critical falls short of …
Qualtrics is a solid platform. It has all of the features a market researcher would need for collecting quantitative survey data. It is meeting my needs for the projects I am working on presently. It is more robust than Cvent and on par with Vision Critical as an enterprise …
Vision Critical is known as a great panel management firm, but I was underwhelmed with their tool itself. Deployments were complicated, surveys required almost basic programming knowledge, and my team struggled with their reporting tool.
From my experience, I believe that Vision Critical offers the best software to manage an insights community. They are great to work with, and my opinion has only improved over time. However, that doesn't mean it is the best survey software overall. If someone simply needs to program and distribute surveys, this may or may not be the right solution. There are some other really great survey tools on the market that are competitively priced and offer very intuitive interfaces (like Qualtrics). If you are going to recruit people to answer surveys or provide feedback on an ongoing basis (re-contacting and engaging with the same people repeatedly), though, Vision Critical would be my #1 recommendation.
Qualtrics is a good medium for creating surveys and getting analytics back for it. I think it's easy to learn if you are in the business of creating surveys or if it's part of your studies. It can be a little overwhelming for a brand new user who has never created a survey for the first time. So onboarding could be better.
Qualtrics CoreXM is easy to use for quick one-time surveys or for measuring opinions over time
It's great for sending/managing RSVPs for meetings or other gatherings or to collect important data like Conflict of Interest declarations.
Qualtrics CoreXM's reporting and crosstab functionality is beefy and gets better all of the time. I'm always amazed at how easy it is to generate reports for sharing my survey response data and research.
The functionality when creating a new questionnaire is rather clunky, particularly when there are a few conditional factors in the logical flow; being able to see those factors and how they apply with some sort of other logical layout would really help when creating a longer survey.
There are quite a few steps that aren't intuitive when launching a survey, for instance all the various dates (launch date, reserve date, survey date, etc etc etc). If there were a description field if you hovered above labeled areas of sections that explained what this field was for that would really help
It doesn't help either that the entire site is grey; it's a cold environment to be in for a long time, and the simple design makes it seem more clunky than it probably really is.
The collaborate feature can be clunky and sometimes we have to remove access and add a person back in for them to see the survey in their lists
We have a contract through our university and more than one person has created their account in the wrong place, causing some administrative headaches as that is fixed so that we can collaborate on surveys with them.
I wish it was easier to organize my surveys into folders, there should be a more efficient way to do that.
Vision Critical often requires you to dump the data to a statistical program. I hate that step. You waste time, and improve the chance of data being lost, or changed.
I was impressed a couple years ago when two heads of market research at Fortune 500 companies told me about them, and I've been even more impressed with the advancements I've seen in the last year. I like where the company is headed, and I look forward to using them again in a future role.
I think there is a ton of room to improve, in things as simple as aesthetics and other areas of logical flow when it comes to creating and then launching a survey, as well as providing descriptors for what each field is referencing. For instance, there are like 5 date fields to be filled out, but no button near them that says "this date will determine _________" and I am not about to go back into the training module, which was confusing enough to FIND, let alone work through to find just ONE answer.
All the menus are very user friendly and intuitive. I can always find exactly what I'm looking for and can change anything I need to with ease. All the elements of the survey are adjustable with very little effort and without confusion.
Absolutely fantastic support team. Willing to help you online through vast collection of how-to guides and resources, online via chatbox, or over the phone. Even though we were in different time zones, they were always available. Very helpful and knowledgeable
Whenever we have had an issue with trying to figure out how to do something (even though the documentation is incredibly well put together) we have asked Qualtrics support and have always received our answer nearly immediately (I think in maybe 10 times, only once did a support person need to call us back). Qualtrics support is dedicated to solving customer issues right, and in the first contact, if at all possible
I still use it. It does everything you need an online survey to do. From heat mapping to complex skip logic and display logic. I use it weekly and it never disappoints
]Qualtrics] CoreXM is great if you want something that is a little more [long] lasting and impactful than a simple survey engine, but aren't quite ready for something that is a long term sustainable program. I would put [Qualtrics] CoreXM squarely in the large, defined project phase. CX is more of the program phase, and other lessor vendors are great for the pre-project definition phase
Our use of Vision Critical's software has allowed us to dramatically increase the amount of research that we do, at a much lower cost. Since there is no incremental cost for each survey we field, we can ask many questions we wouldn't have been able to otherwise.
Our use of an insights community has also sped up the research process, allowing us to write, program, field and report on a survey within only a few days.
Because of the two advantages listed above, we have been able to listen closer to our customers' opinions.