ActiveCampaign is Great for Businesses Just Starting Out with Automation
April 24, 2018

ActiveCampaign is Great for Businesses Just Starting Out with Automation

Brett Farr | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Small Business

Overall Satisfaction with ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign helps my clients organize their contacts and use automation to send follow up based on the contacts' interactions with the website and sales team. We use the tagging feature to segment groups like prospects, customers, and other meaningful segmentation. We use the automation to send drip-style emails to our prospects and customers and stay in touch with them.
  • The automation builder is fairly easy to use and makes following up really easy.
  • The CRM and Deals module makes it easy for our salesteam to track progress of our different sales opportunities.
  • It's easy to track behavior of our leads (like clicking on links in emails, visiting our site, etc).
  • The automations builder is a bit clunky sometimes and requires a lot of effort to do seemingly easy tasks.
  • The CRM is a little weak for our sales team. They'd like a tighter integration into Gmail as well as a more robust task management system.
  • The reporting could use a lot of work. There really aren't' any visual reports to show me funnel info and conversion rates of my leads from one step to the next. This would make it easier to improve our marketing efforts.
  • Following up with leads is an easy ROI. As they say, the 'money is in the follow up', but it takes time and effort to build these systems correctly. Once we've implemented them properly, there was an easy ROI to measure.
  • Having our CRM centralized with as much data as possible in one system has also been really helpful for us.
We use ActiveCampaign and Infusionsoft heavily for our clients. It really depends on their business needs, but ActiveCampaign is much better suited for businesses just getting started with automation and who don't need all the bells and whistles of Infusionsoft. It also has native integrations with WooCommerce and Shopify, so that makes it easy/better for implementing e-commerce solutions.
ActiveCcampaign is a great start for online businesses looking to get started with marketing automation. For businesses who are already well-equipped and understand marketing automation, they might get a bit frustrated with its lack of features that more robust systems have.

ActiveCampaign Feature Ratings

WYSIWYG email editor
Dynamic content
Ability to test dynamic content
Not Rated
Landing pages
Not Rated
A/B testing
Mobile optimization
Not Rated
Email deliverability reporting
List management
Triggered drip sequences
Standard reports
Custom reports