DonorPerfect is a smart solution to database management!
February 12, 2020

DonorPerfect is a smart solution to database management!

Kathryn Juarez | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with DonorPerfect

I use DonorPerfect at Boley Centers as my database management platform. Since we are a not-for-profit and thinly staffed, I am the sole user within the agency. The platform helps me to manage my 9,000+ constituents and helps me to track all of my activities with them throughout the year.


  • DonorPerfect has seamless integration with Constant Contact which is a huge benefit!
  • DonorPerfect has an intuitive and logical flow which makes it easy to learn as a new user.


  • I truly don't have any areas where I think DonorPerfect could improve. Like anything else, nothing is 100% perfect, but from the platform I used before to now using DonorPerfect, the difference is day and night!
  • There has been intrinsic value in the way I have been able to easily and smoothly communicate with my constituents.
  • There has been a great ROI in that I find myself much more efficient within the DonorPerfect database than I was in the platform I previously used which has freed my time up to tend to other aspects of my job!
I used eTapestry for many years and have found that the culture at DonorPerfect is much more to the point. When I need help, I call in and the staff is always ready to walk me through things. There is not a hard sell with the folks at DonorPerfect either. With eTapestry, the services packages kept changing and the pricing consistently went up. Their email tool was poor and while Constant Contact integration was available, it was at an additional price. I was also limited in the number of emails I could send each year which was constantly an issue. DonorPerfect is transparent - what you are told you will get is what you get, no smoke and mirrors.
Customer support with DonorPerfect is fantastic! I am constantly amazed at how quickly the staff is able and happy to assist.

Do you think DonorPerfect delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with DonorPerfect's feature set?


Did DonorPerfect live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of DonorPerfect go as expected?


Would you buy DonorPerfect again?


I think DonorPerfect is well-suited to someone who is new to using a CRM, just as much it is suited to well a skilled user. It has bells and whistles if you need them, but is intuitive enough for someone who is new or doesn't have the luxury to spend hours each day within the constituent records.


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