Gong.io is amazing for teams
March 05, 2020
Gong.io is amazing for teams

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Gong.io
Our Commercial Sales Team is currently using Gong.io to review calls and share calls with our customers. It's also extremely useful in terms of knowing if a prospect has watched a call, and we use it to leave comments on each other's calls as well.
- Analytics: the team stats are very useful and really insightful.
- Call sharing: super easy to share calls and see if a prospect has viewed them.
- Tagging and commenting: great for teams.
- Call pages can sometimes be confusing to read as there's so much going on.
- Would love an easy way to integrate Gong on cellphone calls.
- Sharing snippets of calls makes it easy for prospects to review and share with upper management, getting deals closed faster.
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