GoodData Good Product that can become a Great product
March 15, 2022

GoodData Good Product that can become a Great product

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with GoodData

Providing analytics and BI to clients at Scale
Providing scrollable dashboards for analytics products at scale


  • Dashboards
  • YoY
  • Embed
  • Design Customization


  • Maps
  • Mapbox Integration
  • Native Map options
  • MAQL should be highly assistive and predictive
  • Formula Builder
  • Positive impact : To be determined but we estimate at least a 2X - 3X ROI
  • The negative impact is that it needs a lot of investment in engineering for Map development or data development
Good data can meet most user needs but Maps and particularly Map Box type integration is a huge question mark. I am also wondering how much can I customize the design for metrics etc. to blend more with the front-end without the need for a developer and API calls. Good Data may be an unbeatable leader in providing scrollable dashboards. The best thing is unlike Tableau Desktop, this is all quick and in the cloud.
Map integration means we are at least 3-5 months in waiting for our first product to land for analytics customization. Normal companies need maybe 1-2 months to start delivering analytics products.
Map Box - As I keep saying this is extremely important and Good Data should build a decent mapping solution into the product

Other integrations we are exploring are Pendo or MixPanel, Salesforce

Do you think GoodData delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

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Did implementation of GoodData go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy GoodData again?


Beats both of them in cloud analytics and embedded analytics but design customizations are more in Domo
SAAS Analytics products at scale AI Modeling Dashboard Analytics Internal or External Better Embed in your own portal Better integrated with user journey of our own product in terms of design language


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