Beamery headquartered in London offers the Beamery Talent Operating System, an applicant / candidate tracking and recruiting CRM with a range of features designed to support action to recruit desired level of talent.
Score 7.6 out of 10
SeekOut is a people-first platform that helps organizations hire, grow, and retain great talent. They aim to empower companies with a clear picture of their current and future talent by combining internal and external data backed by actionable analytics.
I absolutely hated using Beamery and find it to be a waste of my organization's money. Why use something that's purely a messaging tool/CRM when you can use something like SeekOut which has SO much more additional functionality?
Additionally, I prefer SeekOut even to the premier …
Linkedin Recruiter is great but I think SeekOut does a better job at allowing the filters to be applied better - more options to do free text vs typing in filters one by one. I also like that SeekOut shares the contact info. I strongly prefer beign able to send an email over …
Product has been very similar to Entelo including the included Google Chrome extension. I've found Seek Out to be more diversity focused which has been a better fit for this organization. Entelo had more integration within email applications allowing for seamless integration …
Well suited for organizations that are tracked and managing large amounts of candidates across open roles. They have really improved the overall product and it has a lot fewer technical issues, so big or small companies could find it useful.
Diversity teams use this, and powerfilters are very helpful. When looking for volume, Seek out other terms to find relevant profiles well. For example, it might map other candidates with similar terms at the end of the pool search. Also, the bias reducer filter helps make sure there is less bias towards a hiring manager and the recruiters.
The Chrome Extension could really use some work: very buggy and it's pretty common for candidates that are already in our system to not show up as such in the Extension.
The internal searching features are limited: we have a massive database that is really hard to access.
SeekOut needs better updates to the backend repository, LI. Several times, when pulled through, SeekOut pulled up LI profiles that were not up to date compared to when searched on LI directly.
It would be helpful to have better/more updated phone information. As noted in the previous screen, approx. 50% of phone contact information is spot-on, however capturing more up to date information for phone would be helpful.
Although picky, having different colors for screens to highlight areas would be helpful. Working late at night, which many times do, the screens are similar in color and brightness, and it would be beneficial to have more distinguishment in colors or brightness so as not to blend.
This platform tends to give you applicants who are not necessarily looking for new opportunities. I have had people be upset that I contacted them or sought them out on LinkedIn. This can be troublesome when the only thing I am trying to do is find qualified applicants. I need active people, who dont mind a cold call
Using SeekOut is very intuitive. Lots of multi-select boxes, toggle switches, and keyword boxes. If you have any experience with LinkedIn Recruiter, SeekOut is not a far jump in learning how to use it effectively. I will say that adding candidates to projects doesn't necessarily feel like an intuitive process after you've been redirected to LinkedIn to look at a candidate's profile
We have not needed to get in touch with the support team during our time using SeekOut because someone else in our company takes care of that matter. Overall, we have been very satisfied with the ease of use and self-sufficiency of SeekOut and have not found the need to contact the support team.
We had an online tarining with all the recruiters. The trainer was very good, and enthusiast as well. He explained everything very detailed, showed how to search which kind of functions are in Seekout. He showed the program by using examples of search. We could ask questions at the end, and he told that we can contact him any time.
Once the licenses were purchased we were sent an email to activate our account. From there we had full access to the platform and a training was set up. Since I had used SeekOut previously I understood the dynamics of the platform and was able to use it instantly.
We selected SeekOut as an extra level of sourcing and the intention was not to use LI anymore. They do not stack up because we are able to DM candidates, or they can message us asking questions, set up screens, send resumes, etc. You can not do that on SeekOut.