Miro makes startup phase manageable, less relevant for mature companies
July 27, 2022

Miro makes startup phase manageable, less relevant for mature companies

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with Miro

We used this early on when we needed to plan processes, but now that the company has matured, we use it less as those processes have been implemented in our various tools. Still a great place to start processes and planning, and our Product teams typically start all their planning on the Miro board before moving to implementation.
  • planning
  • processes
  • organizing
  • provide additional board structures that allow for multi-dimensional planning
  • reduced planning time
  • increased likelihood of precise process repetition
I wasn't part of the implementation, but when I started it was running 100%
I have not spent any time developing or actioning integrations with Miro, so I have little to know knowledge on the subject.
Collaboration tools have been around long before I heard about Miro (early 2000s with Google docs), but Miro simplified planning a collaboration with remote teams. During Covid lockdowns it was more useful, as today our teams meet face to face when we want to plan serious projects, so Miro isn't the gatekeeper, but again, it's easy to use.

Do you think Miro delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

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Did Miro live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Miro go as expected?


Would you buy Miro again?


Miro is very specific in allowing you to whiteboard process and planning. These features don't exactly exist in Google Drive or basic Office suite (AFAIK), so having the ability to endlessly plan can be useful. It just isn't necessary for our company's current lifecycle stage.
When starting out building a company, department, or position, the best place to start is to plan and make notes on how the company processes will proceed. Using Miro during these stages is likely to help as the visualization of the process flow helps for planning processes and later on success.