Vision with a lot more features
Updated August 17, 2022

Vision with a lot more features

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Miro

We create charts to describe our complex systems so that we can better understand them and teach them to new co-workers. Our systems are all software-based. So far, I haven't used Miro to its true potential, but I believe the rest of my team has used more of its cool features.
  • Create flowcharts.
  • Create diagrams to help us understand how our systems work.
  • Easy share-ability with co-workers by creating spaces and such.
  • I honestly can't think of one. I haven't heard any complaints from our team either.
  • Really helped with understanding complex systems, especially for new hires. Our systems are quite complex and creating diagrams and flowcharts helps tremendously for this.
The macOS app feels like an Electron app. It feels more like a web-app. Other than that, it's pretty good.
My manager has told me of the whiteboard feature that Miro has and it sounded really cool. We don't have those devices yet, but I liked the idea and the integration.
Yes, as described previously, it helped a lot with new hires. Our systems are quite complex and creating diagrams with legends and such was very helpful and allowed them to ramp up to speed quicker than usual.

Do you think Miro delivers good value for the price?


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Did Miro live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Miro go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Miro again?


Miro works really well for a large team or organization, however the cost can be a barrier for very small teams or companies that don't need all of the features that Miro supports. For that reason, I have given a 9/10 as I would have to justify the cost before recommending it.

Evaluating Miro and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
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