QuickBase got us all on the same page.
December 16, 2016

QuickBase got us all on the same page.

Dana Doyle | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with QuickBase

In the past year we have switched from Smartsheet to Quickbase to track data about our MOOCs (massive open online courses). In order to make better decisions about which MOOCs we will run when and also to track their status we need a robust database to manage our data. The reports are excellent and easy to make which is great. We can make them ourselves and save the consulting $$ for heavy lifting of database design.


  • Reporting
  • Filtering
  • Sharing
  • Controlling who sees what (roles)


  • Searching across fields (or making it easier to know how to do this)
  • Many to many relationships (or making it easier to know how to do this)
  • More robust API for importing data from Smartsheet
Smartsheet had some great features that I liked but we were able to replicate most of them in QuickBase. I did like Smartsheet's gantt chart view better and found it easier to work with.
It's great for easy entry and we were able to design the UX so that the teams within our team could focus just on their areas and not be distracted by things they didn't need to worry about. The ability to customize specific views is also greatly appreciated in two senses: sensitive information that can't/shouldn't be shared and simplified views for others. We also are starting to use the auto emailed reports for knowldege sharing and updates.


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