PandaDoc is the best of both worlds: easy to use with complex options for creating documents.
January 17, 2020

PandaDoc is the best of both worlds: easy to use with complex options for creating documents.

James Biller | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with PandaDoc

We used PandaDoc to send out service contracts for events services related to lighting, AV services, videography services and DJ services. It addresses the problem of accepting payment through a contract and showing off content in the contract. It also enables customers to select the quantity of pieces of equipment and check boxes for different service options to fit their budget.


  • It accepts payments through the payment gateway
  • It enables video embeds to show off some of our lighting effects


  • Bug that makes it so a content block jumps down or up the page and I have to refresh
  • Doesn't allow option dependent discounting (adding options doesn't effect discounts)
  • Time saved creating documents.
  • Better customer experience through optional services in the proposal.
The Pipedrive tokens enable a lot of the data fields to be automatically imported and completed. Additionally, templates make it so that sometimes we don't even have to do anything besides create and sent the proposal, which is great! When we do need to add something to a template for a proposal, it's super easy.
We've benefitted tremendously by being able to see all the times when someone views the proposal. It shows that they're still interested, and if they haven't been in contact for a while and they view the proposal, we know it's a good time to follow up with them and see if they have any questions about the proposal.
The proposals can have pictures that show off all of our lighting services, rather than sending a text-only contract through an email with attachments for reference. Our logo is able to be embedded in the header and footer of all proposals along with our business address, which ensures they look professional.
I don't think that any of these comping products really combine the same ease-of-use with the complexity of use that PandaDoc has. They either are easy to use without enough complexity, or hard to use with too much complexity. PandaDoc hits that fine line in the middle: easy to use with a high degree of complexity.
PandaDoc is well suited for businesses that are in the service industry where deals aren't always straightforward. It would be less appropriate for a business that sells products and ships them out- there's not necessarily a reason to have all the functionality of PandaDoc, unless we're talking about really expensive products (in the thousands or tens of thousands of dollars).


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