Evernote vs. Tettra

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Score 7.8 out of 10
Evernote is a suite of software and services designed for notetaking and archiving. A "note" can be a piece of formatted text, a full webpage or webpage excerpt, a photograph, a voice memo, or a handwritten "ink" note. Notes can also have file attachments. Notes can be sorted into folders, then tagged, annotated, edited, given comments, searched and exported as part of a notebook. Evernote supports a number of operating system platforms (including OS X, iOS, Chrome OS, Android, Microsoft…
per month
Score 6.2 out of 10
Small Businesses (1-50 employees)
Tettra helps teams that use Slack organize and share important knowledge in one central, searchable, manageable place.N/A
Editions & Modules
per month
per month
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Pricing Offerings
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
Additional Details—Active users are people who sign up for Tettra with their Slack account
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Small Businesses

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Score 8.8 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies

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RWS Tridion Sites
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Score 9.0 out of 10

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Score 9.0 out of 10
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User Ratings
Likelihood to Recommend
(106 ratings)
(3 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(35 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(13 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Support Rating
(27 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(8 ratings)
(0 ratings)
User Testimonials
Likelihood to Recommend
Evernote is an excellent tool for keeping track of client relationships and taking notes. The indexing is excellent, with text in images and text. However, a Wiki might be better for large-scale collaboration. It is a perfect use case for it, and it is hard to beat. To-do lists that need to be tracked or have due dates assigned do not work well in Evernote. It's almost like a library that anyone can add to, edit, tag, and reference. Evernote has a limited checklist function in terms of tasks meant to be kept in one place rather than reviewed and organized over time.
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Tettra, Inc.
Tettra is excellent for a small team wiki. It is easy to set-up and use, and for many teams the free version is enough. New features are added regularly. One of the features I would like to see is 2FA for email accounts or even SAML integration.
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  • Ability to share meeting notes with others (like that it works well with Rocketbook).
  • The To-Do list helps with organization and project deadlines.
  • Able to sync to multiple devices so you can use it in the office or in the field.
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Tettra, Inc.
  • Easily access revision history
  • Suggest pages to create
  • Find information
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  • The free application's feature will meet most users needs, but the Premium plan is expensive.
  • Though Evernote lets you create and manage notes effortlessly, its basic plan supports sync between two devices and does not support offline mode.
  • Can't export data easily to other applications.
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Tettra, Inc.
  • More integrations
  • More options for presentation
  • More customization options
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Likelihood to Renew
I can't really imagine how much they'd have to charge me to make me quit Evernote. I can't really think of any technology that has changed my life as much without going back to email in the 90s, or the introduction of the iPhone. I know I sound ridiculous, but it would be really tough for me to live without it. If I were forced to choose between my smart phone (and keep in mind that I get lost in my driveway) and my Evernote, I'd probably choose my Evernote.
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Tettra, Inc.
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  • Basic visual organization - ability to create a notebook and store user notes inside of it.
  • Basic easy navigation - You can quickly move in and out of files and notes.
  • User intuitive addition - whatever you need to add to your document, it's relatively easy to understand and use.
  • We find overall that we still want some functionality in creating better task lists, boards, and other things that we find in Notion - which is the tool that we use as a team notebook/storage space.
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Tettra, Inc.
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Reliability and Availability
Generally issues are by connectivity and not Evernote availability but I have had issues in the past with cross-client consistency of data which Evernote Support has ID'd as bugs that are still unresolved as far as I know
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Tettra, Inc.
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Fast and clean interface. Just upgraded to Evernote 5
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Tettra, Inc.
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Support Rating
I bet you won’t even need to call their support. Their product has never failed me. Simply put. But if you were to email them to gather some details or help, I bet they won’t disappoint you. Don’t worry about the support, it’s the last thing you should worry about this product.
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Tettra, Inc.
I base the rating on the online availability of the help system. The product is quite intuitive but the questions I did have were answered on the online help. That is always better than having to contact support as then you have to wait longer than just a search on the website.
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Implementation Rating
Make sure you think about your tags. If you end up with multiple similar tags then things aren't grouped together as you might prefer. For instance if you have a tag called Disney and Walt Disney, this will split up your articles. Evernote makes it simple to correct, but I suggest you make sure your users look closely at the existing tags before creating new ones.
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Tettra, Inc.
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Alternatives Considered
The most similar program I have used is OneNote by Microsoft, and other note taking programs exist like Notepad and Microsoft Word but those programs do not offer syncing like Evernote does. There are newer programs in the space like Dropbox Paper and Google Docs which would be on a list of ones to consider.
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Tettra, Inc.
Tettra provides an easy interface, but feels limited in its feauture set. When I need to incorporate more granular permissions or live collaboration I use Google Drive.
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Return on Investment
  • Evernote has allowed our school's over 3000 students and staff members to work more efficiently instead of spending time on making physical notes, clicking pictures, and uploading them to the cloud in order to share them
  • The investment in Evernote Premium has also allowed for heavier files to be attached in each note such as student work that allows teachers to be certain that students have followed deadlines and finished assigned tasks
  • Evernote has allowed our school to smoothly transition in and out of online learning as the local COVID-19 protocols change and student work requires one platform to be based on throughout
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Tettra, Inc.
  • Easier to find information
  • Meets you on the platforms you already use - ie Slack and Google.
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