Insightly keeps our team accountable!
May 15, 2017
Insightly keeps our team accountable!
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Modules Used
- Insightly iOS / Android Mobile App
Overall Satisfaction with Insightly
We use Insighlty primarily to manage projects and tasks across our entire team. It allows us to know who is working on what, when it was assigned, and when things are accomplished. It really keeps keep us organized and accountable, and really prevents things from falling through the cracks.
- Assigning projects and tasks to employees so everyone knows who is responsible for what
- Receiving notifications when tasks are complete, so I can review and update the client
- There's a lot of features I don't use. I would like to learn more about them.
- Improved efficiency
- Streamlined business processes
- Reduced number of meetings
We have achieved these, since everyone can see what they are responsible for at a glance. Increase accountability, and less need to meet for status updates.
- Salesforce and Basecamp
Insighlty better matched my needs at a price that was within budget.
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