Splashtop is at the Top of my list
January 11, 2022

Splashtop is at the Top of my list

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Remote Support
  • Remote Access

Overall Satisfaction with Splashtop Enterprise

I use Splashtop remote access to assist employees in other cities. This allows me to get onto their machine and see what they are seeing and it makes the support much easier.

We also used Splashtop for employees to be able to work from home during Covid. I helped them set up their machine at home to see their computer at work, and work as if they were sitting at their desk.


  • Secure connection. this allows me to be on an employees machine as long as necessary without having to reconnect.
  • Ease of use. Once a computer is set up for remote use it is always available as long as it is powered on.
  • Easily manage different location machines. it is great that Splashtop allows you to put machines in the different locations to find them quickly if you have numerous machines to support.
  • the SOS feature is nice to assist any user that has not been added to your group.


  • The email sent to users to add their machine is a bit confusing for them to follow. I usually have to help them through the process.
  • Splashtop saves us from having to pay local IT companies come assist with issues. I can get on the computer and actually see and do what is needed. And since I support 4 locations that would require travel for me it saves us thousands each month.
It is easy to access with a user if they have the service downloaded on their machine. I even have them set up so that the user does not have to approve for me to access. It is a bit tougher if you use the SOS as the user has to be an administrator on their machine to start the session.
I feel very safe using Splashtop to access users computers, since the company owns all the machines I have open access to all machines including all my servers. I am confident that Splashtop has all security needed to protect us from any issues.
It took me about a week to get about 52 computers connected and working with Splashtop, and now it is on my list of programs to add when setting up a new workstation at our company.
Yes - Teamviewer. I used to use the free Teamviewer, but when they started wanting to charge I looked for something to replace that. Splashtop is very reasonable and it is actually easier to use than Teamviewer, and I can connect without the user needing to do anything.

Do you think Splashtop delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Splashtop's feature set?


Did Splashtop live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Splashtop go as expected?


Would you buy Splashtop again?


Splashtop is great for remote use and or assistance. I really like that the user and I can see the mouse moving because sometimes that is the best way to support some users.

The only scenario that Splashtop is not suited for the job is if the remote computer has to been shut down, then there is no way to get access to it until it is powered on. So if you have to do a Ctrl-Alt-Delete or hard boot you are kicked off.

Using Splashtop Enterprise

7 - Support, At home work.
2 - Splashtop itself is very easy to use, but our biggest users and use is for support.
  • Support.
  • Server access.
  • Setting up new users on workstations.
  • Workers being able to work from home!
  • Additional use of the SOS with phones.
We like the product and as long as the need is there and the price does not exceed the benefits we are hooked.


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