Looks great on paper, easy to use great system, but WORST customer service ever.
Updated February 23, 2021

Looks great on paper, easy to use great system, but WORST customer service ever.

Samuel Rodriguez | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 6 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with ADP Workforce Now

We use ADP Workforce Now for Time and Attendance, Time Off and Payroll across the whole organization. It helps to track time-cards and hours for hourly and salary employees. It helps to track time off requests and approval for hourly and salary employees and it helps to make sure every employee gets paid on time the correct amounts. It also helps to make sure the Federal, State, County, Municipal and local fillings are up to date and accurate.


  • User Friendly, lots of video tutorials and online training.
  • Centralized web based application, can be used from anywhere.


  • WORST Customer Service Ever. Great Product but sometimes useless when the support is non-existent, or doesn't know what needs to be done.
  • Hit and miss with the Implementation Specialist for different Modules.
  • Up to date on regulations compliance.
  • Employee engagement.
The product is excellent and you can add or subtract modules depending on company size or needs. It doesn't matter if your company has 10 or hundreds of employees, the system will accommodate that. You can even set up what they call company codes by regions. I have 2 US company codes and within one of them I have 2 other regions company codes.
  • Our own Health and Benefits Insurance provider
  • John Hancock 401K
ADP did it all for us, it didn't take them long to achieve it during implementation.
Way easier to navigate, use and learn. ADP Workforce Now is user friendly, provides great training options, including visuals. It was super easy to learn to use ADP Workforce Now and so far the experience has been great, except for the support. That is my only negative: poor or the lack of support whatsoever.

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This is where they have problems. ADP shipped most of the Support to the Philippines resulting in 8 out of 10 you know more about the issue and how to resolve it than the person on the other side of the phone. Pending issues linger a little longer, they have kept a core service team on the US in Virginia, if when you call you get them you are surely in for a treat as normally the issues can be solved on the same phone call and no need to call again.
I can't think of a less appropriate scenario, it is just their customer service is as bad as you can get. They have 2 call centers, one Stateside and one in the Philippines. Usually the Stateside is resourceful and you can resolve the issue in the same call, but if your call gets routed to the Philippines normally you know more than the person on the other side of the line and they place you on hold several times during the call to review procedures and processes, some of those that you have already told them on the same call.

But the worst I have experienced so far is the lack of continuity on the sales or account executives. It can be frustrating to start a process with one account or major accounts representative and have that person move to a new roll within the same organization and there is no follow up from them or from their department, leaving you out in the cold. It is equally frustrating to start an implementation process with them and after a year has passed still have issues and the implementation specialist is nowhere to be found. Great System But Worst Customer Service.

ADP Workforce Now Feature Ratings

Employee demographic data
Employment history
Job profiles and administration
Workflow for transfers, promotions, pay raises, etc.
Organizational charting
Organization and location management
Compliance data (COBRA, OSHA, etc.)
Pay calculation
Support for external payroll vendors
Off-cycle/On-Demand payment
Benefit plan administration
Direct deposit files
Salary revision and increment management
Reimbursement management
Approval workflow
Balance details
Annual carry-forward and encashment
View and generate pay and benefit information
Update personal information
View company policy documentation
Employee recognition
Report builder
Pre-built reports
Ability to combine HR data with external data
Performance plans
Performance improvement plans
Review status tracking
Review reminders
Multiple review frequency
Corporate goal setting
Individual goal setting
Line-of sight-visibility
Performance tracking
Job Requisition Management
Not Rated
Company Website Posting
Not Rated
Publish to Social Media
Not Rated
Job Search Site Posting
Not Rated
Applicant Tracking
Not Rated
Notifications and Alerts

COVID-19 Response

ADP kept updating their Covid-19 section, adding updates and reports as guidance was provided by he IRS and Treasury. They updated their reports. They added reports to assist in filling for the PPP loans, the same in applying for forgiveness. Like I have mention before ADP is a great system, where they lack is on the direct CSR area.
We are an essential business, so we have kept working during the whole pandemic, but ADP Covid-19 sections did help in the process of applying for the PPP loans and the reports needed to request forgiveness. They have some of the most complete reports out there, and their reports team is always available to help if you need any customize reports.
They have all the info available from links inside Workforce Now. You can read, watch or participate on meetings and trainings online to be up to date on all the management information available from all the guidance from the CDC, Treasury, the IRS, DOL. It is a great place to find the info you need. They also have a social media app called The Bridge a great source of information.
The mobile version need some improvements, there are many other systems out there that have a seamless experience between the desktop access and the mobile access, I'm pretty sure they will be updating that soon. At least it works for employees clocking in and out from their phones preventing employees gatherings at unsafe distances on the physical time clocks.

Using ADP Workforce Now

215 - Human Resources, Accounting, Officers and every hourly and salary employee. From custodial employees to office employees, out bases employees, Pilots Captains and First Officers, Company President. Everyone within the organization uses ADP for reporting their time, requesting time off, seeing pay statements, accessing, getting and printing pay statements and tax statements w2's.
1 - Myself, I do most of the end user support with password resets, creating accounts, granting and removing access, training and explaining, troubleshooting problems with employees accounts. Day to day operations and end user support. Reports for Managers and other departments, access, training, how to's. If I can't resolve the issue then I reach ADP support.
  • To keep up to date on State unemployment tax regulations.
  • To keep up to date on State Income tax regulations.
  • Track Year of Service Awards.
  • Track birthday and anniversaries information.
  • Recruiting tools and boards
  • HR aspect of the system
  • Benefits
Due to the lack of support from the sales and service center we are looking at other options outside of ADP. Again it is a good system, it just lacks the support it deserves from the company employees. It is just unimaginable that you will need to reach out to a service provider several times for the same issue and not get it resolved.

Evaluating ADP Workforce Now and Competitors

  • Prior Experience with the Product
I had used ADP Workforce Now on previous jobs and I knew the way the system worked. When I came to this organization they were already using Workforce Now and they were actually looking for someone who was familiar with Workforce Now. I had used the time and attendance modules, time off but hadn't used the payroll side of it back there.
I will say before anything else look for the direct feedback of people who have use it. Ask the companies for references and contact info. These people had already had issues with the provider and can attest to their capacity to actually support the product. Make sure you have a proactive sales team, and keep the contact info of the people who deal with your implementation including managers. The issues I have experience with ADP is that they lack continuity on the people side, their system is awesome but if you don't have a good team between sales, implementation and service it will be a bumpy road.

ADP Workforce Now Support

Slow Resolution
Poor followup
Less knowledgeable
Problems left unsolved
Not kept informed
Escalation required
Difficult to get immediate help
Need to explain problems multiple times
Slow Initial Response
Nope and it is sad that you are paying for a system and you have to pay them a little extra for them to give you the customer service you deserve as a paying customer. I guess it might make a difference on getting results which is in itself ridiculous.
Nope, It is sad that I don't have a single issue where I can say they went above and beyond, because the few times someone did that it was fixing the issues another CSR created. Looking back at the experience with ADP the CSR service received was just the normal you will expect and get with any system.

Using ADP Workforce Now

It is a very user friendly system, it has a lot of how to videos and notes. They have a very robust training system which include virtual and in room trainings. I went over all the trainings they had on the website and did the physical trainings as well. You can even get certificates for the completed trainings.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • processing payroll
  • approving time cards
  • approving time off requests
  • running reports
  • Accessing quarterly reports
  • Creating support tickets from within Workforce Now
Yes - It is great for input, review, correction and approval of time cards. It also great for submitting, approving or rejecting time off requests. You can access your paystubs and tax forms from the mobile app. All the areas you will access the app as a normal user work great. It isn't that great when you need to do work as a power user.


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