Our firm specializes in working with advertising/marketing agencies, where Winmo is a dominant sales intelligence tool. DiscoverOrg has more extensive company and prospect data, especially in B2B and pharma industries. However, Winmo has more extensive CPG data, and partnership …
DiscoverOrg is enterprise-level ready - from its detailed filtering, sales-minded UI/UX, amazing CSM's and AM's, easy SFDC integration, to automatically updating your sales databases with better contact information.
Data.com and Zoom Info have integrated with DiscoverOrg. Now DiscoverOrg is much more expensive, but the data is very similar to Data.com/Zoom Info. What you are paying for is the ease of use and some perks like having some LinkedIn URLs available in DiscoverOrg. When all is …
Previously, DiscoverOrg fell behind LeadIQ on the user-friendliness and breadth of the information side. After merging with Zoominfo, I must say that Zoominfo plus DiscoverOrg cannot be beaten. They have a very slick user interface, contact information for companies as small as …
DiscoverOrg stacks up well against both tools as it is much faster to download lists, more accurate information, easier to use interface as it relates to accessing the lists that come through. With this tool compared to InsideView we were able to save the most time and saw the …
DiscoverOrg has always been a favorite of mine, I am daily on the tool to prospect to contact and to call into or email. Finding out budget or scoop (since the acquisition of Ranking is very good, even though I feel that the integration is not as good as when the tools were …
Quite frankly, based on my usage, the information at ZoomInfo was typically more accurate than the information at DiscoverOrg. Now that DiscoverOrg has acquired ZoomInfo, perhaps the accuracy of the data will improve.
We actually use all 3 tools of ZoomInfo, LeadGenius & Sales Navigator. We use Sales Navigator a lot to search for the right titles like Corp Dev & Strategy roles and then use ZoomInfo to append the data into our Salesforce. The process takes a lot longer, but it is very …
We selected DiscoverOrg against them because of their quality of data, the quantity of data and strong customer focus, yes they are very responsive and available 24*7 for any issue and this is something we were looking for. DiscoverOrg never fails us in it, they always …
I find it similar to other products. The main thing I like about DiscoverOrg though is how easy it is to go from DO's database into Salesforce while preserving the appropriate metadata for me to build lists so I can then export to Excel (while keeping tracking in SFDC on) to …
In my opinion, DiscoverOrg is the weakest of the tools that I have used thus far. I am a big fan of the tool it purchased, RainKing. I think that they have it figured out and are doing a great job.
ZoomInfo does not have the accuracy of data that DiscoverOrg provides, which actually cost me time when researching contacts because I would waste efforts on prospects whose information wasn't correct. DiscoverOrg also has a much better support team that can help me when …
Rainking was our previous tool that we had been using. It had many similar features of DiscoverOrg however some of the functionality was missing on Rainking that we now enjoy on DiscoverOrg. We also had access to Zoominfo which was a prospecting tool however some of the data …
DiscoverOrg is definitely the standout among its competitors. It has provided me with far more value for the deals in my pipeline than any other prospecting tool that I have utilized in my current role. The data is far better and more accurate, which has given me many more …
I think that since the acquisition of RainKing, DiscoverOrg is the top tool in the marketplace. Having the most, accurate data set will always reign supreme, and now adding 2 of the top 3 together gives DiscoverOrg users the advantage.
DiscoverOrg is at the top of the chart. The best testimonial I (continuously) give is that my CFO at a previous company would always have heartburn over the cost of DiscoverOrg *until* he looked himself and our other executives up. He immediately came to my and cried "Uncle" …
Territory Sales Manager - Covering Central, Mid-Atlantic and South East United States
Chose DiscoverOrg (discontinued)
We did a month long test of Rainking and DiscoverOrg side by side. DiscoverOrg beat it in every way.
Verified User
Chose DiscoverOrg (discontinued)
None - I am not a decisionmaker.
LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Verified User
Account Manager
Chose LinkedIn Sales Navigator
DiscoverOrg has a wealth of information that I think Sales Navigator could only dream of. I have found information on their current business objectives, what technologies they are using internally, among many other data points that Sales Navigator just does not include. Clearbit…
Sales Navigator has amazing data compared to DiscoverOrg, especially considering that individuals update their LinkedIn profiles themselves. LinkedIn Sales Navigator also makes it very easy to message prospects directly out of the solution. Where DiscoverOrg is better is with …
DiscoverOrg has more detailed information when it comes to companies. The org chart they have on their website for companies is very helpful when doing research. The org chart is also very informative and helps getting correct phone numbers and emails for contacts.
It is great because it leverages an already wide network of contacts on LinkedIn.
It is better quality than generic data aggregators and more cost effective with timelier data than tools like DiscoverOrg
Before DiscoverOrg, I used SN. After moving to a business that requires more prospecting and at heavier volumes, I moved to DiscoverOrg. DiscoverOrg offers more data on more points in the industry we desired. SN was great in doing fewer, larger sales and because of how …
DiscoverOrg is much better for searching, filtering, and uploading leads. I use DO when I am looking for mass leads and I use LinkedIn Sales Navigator when I am looking for one specific person. I believe having both is very helpful in finding success.
We actually use DiscoverOrg/RainKing and ZoomInfo in addition to Sales Navigator, and I always end up resorting back to Sales Navigator. There is no better tool for finding up to date information on a certain prospect, industry, or organization than LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
Linkedin Sales Navigator has a specific role in your sales strategy -- to help you find the right person based on their job title or company, etc. DiscoverOrg and SalesLoft dig a bit deeper into giving more comprehensive contact information like email and address. Those options …
LinkedIn Sales Navigator is more up-to-date in prospect position within the company as a person is more likely to keep his LinkedIn profile up to date and his roles and responsibilities are more detailed in LinkedIn. However, ZoomInfo and DiscoverOrg are more reliable for …
linkedin has way better data cleanup and relevant contact information. It provides a great insight into how to target personally your prospects, and gives great engagement highlights. ZoomInfo is sometimes outdated, the prospect has moved companies or is no longer employed …
Verified User
Account Manager
Chose LinkedIn Sales Navigator
LinkedIn Sales Navigator has no competition when it comes to quickly finding and validating a prospects job function, tenure, and overall job history. It still has a long way to go in terms of stacking up against some of the other companies on the list in regards to: data …
LinkedIn is really the only major player in the social business space. Compared with data tools like ZoomInfo, LinkedIn Sales Navigator provides more up to date data. Overall prospecting is better when using both ZoomInfo and LinkedIn Sales Navigator. We selected Sales …
LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a must above the rest as it is basically the only end-user generated content out there. ZoomInfo is helpful for phone numbers, email addresses, etc., but I would always use any other intelligence tool in tandem with Sales Navigator since it provides …
LinkedIn Sales Navigator really doesn't have any true competitors. There is a huge value in the tool being proprietarily linked to the LinkedIn network and being able to leverage that network every day. No other sales tool has that advantage. Their competitors use their …
LinkedIn Sales Navigator is easier to use and a much more adaptable tool for a team in general. The on-boarding is swift and quick and provides the best way to generate leads in a quick fashion. It also tracks all changes made to data in saved lists making it easy to track …
Sales Navigator's data is updated by the user. The alternatives are updated by researchers. 80% of our targets are on LinkedIn, so the 20% will need an alternative method of research. We need both.
Linked in stacks up pretty well, I feel like they have a leg up on the integration portion of the software, but as far as building lists, exporting, and finding contact information, Zoom and Discover offer a wider net of that information. LinkedIn also helps to confirm that …
The benefit of Sales Navigator against any of these is you have the social aspect of selling which is really lacking in other platforms. While it's not a bulk list building tool, this can really strengthen relationships and immediately allow the end user to connect with …
We currently also have access to Discover.Org but I prefer to use Linkedin Sales Navigator first before checking Discover.Org because for the most part LinkedIn is more up to date than even Discover.Org. Now I like Discover for different uses and normally I can't get contact …
LinkedIn is far superior to all of its competition, if for no other reason, simply because it is the unparalleled industry leader when it comes to finding out relevant information pertaining to employees, companies, and to a slightly lesser degree industries. LinkedIn Sales …
I'd consider discovering and navigator as complementing tools. I use Navigator to find the leads I'm looking for because their data is more accurate, IMO since it is updated by the lead themselves. Then I jump to discovering their contact information like phone numbers, email, …
Uses [of DiscoverOrg] include searching for prospects in accounts. Getting all of the relevant contact information in one place. Using the export button saves time by allowing you to select one or more leads to import into CRM. Sophisticated search allows for you to build lists, and export as above. Good support with various experts available to help you get started and get better at using it.
If you are trying to grow your business via sales or get a message out, LinkedIn Sales Navigator would be a great investment. You can easily group businesses together based on their operations, business classification, etc. However, if you were looking for a less specific and refined approach, it may be less appropriate.
Prospecting Lists/Lead Gen - Discover Org does this very well because of it's ability to provide current information (email/phone) on an individual at a company. It's easy to segment & drill down by categories - to find the right targets to reach out to.
Insights - DiscoverOrg is great at providing insights or "scopes" on prospects as well. Meaning it will show who is handling what project (Decision-Maker) and what projects they are particularly interested in at the moment/what initiatives. For example, the scopes may show that they are interested in AI initiatives or a Merger & Acquisition or Digital Transformation & will say who is in charge of the initiative.
Stellar filtering capabilities - you can filter lists in so many ways. You can go by function, or even look at companies with small marketing teams (let's say less than 10), or you can search for companies with an "x" amount of $ budget for IT spend. Or even companies that use a specific HR workplace management system.
Search Functionality: LinkedIn Sales Navigator has one of the most powerful search functions. The filters are not unnecessary and some are very well thought of. You can drill down to finding a needle in a haystack of 20000 employee company when it comes to using LinkedIn Sales Navigator if done in the right manner.
Smart Links: Gone are the days of attached Decks. One can simply create their deck online using this feature on LinkedIn Sales Navigator, or even upload an existing ppt. A smart link is shareable as well as trackable for opens and clicks.
Fewer Clicks: With a single click, I can filter out decision-makers in any company. With a single click, I can import contacts from LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Salesforce. Lesser clicks are actually less stressful if you think.
Improvement on the search capabilities - since there is so much to search (which is a plus) it makes it harder to do this in a timely manner. You have to dedicate a certain amount of time to be able to pull a proper, useful and clean list.
Make it more user friendly - there are so many different tabs, search buttons, pull down, etc. I think it can be quite confusing to a new user.
The tool is simply better than most other lead/company data repositories, and they are dedicated to keeping their data clean, even if they are far from accomplishing this task at present. The tool works, and it is relatively easy to use. Overall, DiscoverOrg provides the level of lead/contact, customer, and even industry level data the sales orgs have come to expect from this sort of tool in a format that is fairly easy to use. They do also provide support for sales teams looking to use the tool effectively, which is great!
This question is a no-brainer. The tool is the industry standard for anyone tied to sales and marketing. The name "LinkedIn Sales Navigator" is synonymous with streamlining relevant customer and account data in an easy to use format that is actionable and intelligent. The focus on continuous improvement and richer means of communicating with customers and prospects is evident each time new features are rolled out. The social component of the tool even includes a gamification component to ensure that peers remain relevant among each other, which is refreshing and enjoyable for those who engage the tool on a daily basis.
It lets you pull people with specific titles in specific areas and with the criteria you choose--job changes, mutual connections based on schools, roles, and companies, etc. It is easy to upload these lists into other software or download and save them to a drive.
The tool speaks for itself, but the support is definitely a significant portion of why we use the tool. The company cares about their customer's success and it shows. We do not have to wait for long periods of time for the support team to respond; they do so in a timely manner, and virtually always with relevant insights and solutions.
I am unsure of the rollout, as I was not involved. I was an early adopter, and I have had a lot of success with the tool personally at multiple organizations, but I have no idea whether the implementation process encountered any errors. I can personally say that it works, and that I have not encountered significant issues with the tool since adoption, although a few issues like messages showing up as being unread even though they have been opened have been an on-again/off-again issues throughout the past few years. Overall, the company is doing a great job, and our implementation seems to have been effective.
ZoomInfo acquired DiscoverOrg and I believe legacy DiscoverOrg will phase out in the near future. ZoomInfo is 100x better than DiscoverOrg and are very pleased with it's functionality and easy of use. We only selected DiscoverOrg because we were on an auto-renewal contract and did not unsubscribe in time. We did not plan to renew DiscoverOrg. But since then we have been upgraded to ZoomInfo and are finding much more value in that platform than we did in DiscoverOrg.
linkedin has way better data cleanup and relevant contact information. It provides a great insight into how to target personally your prospects, and gives great engagement highlights. ZoomInfo is sometimes outdated, the prospect has moved companies or is no longer employed there-- alot of filtering through the weeds can be hard if you are trying to hit high metrics and make your time valuable
After using DiscoverOrg, our lead are now well qualified and suitable. We are able to generate good and qualified. This is the positive impact.
After using DiscoverOrg, our sales team is now able to cold call the target contacts, the number provided by DiscoverOrg, the interaction held is now increased and we are able to produce good leads.
After using DiscoverOrg, we are able to understand better because of their reports and dashboards which is very informative.