Wrike has helped us increase productivity exponentially
Updated July 14, 2021

Wrike has helped us increase productivity exponentially

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Wrike

It is used by the Customer Experience team for all project deliveries, tracking pipeline, and tracking project risks and issues. Main users are Project managers, engagement managers, project coordinators, and finance.
It addressed a lot of former issues. We needed a single source of truth in tracking project timelines, allocating tasks, and tracking the capacity of project managers. it also made it easier for our monthly reporting.


  • Task management and allocation
  • Creating project timelines and gantt charts
  • Making it easy to create project templates
  • Daily snapshot of to-dos
  • Reporting, snapshots of project progress, reporting
  • Billable / non billable hours and capacity tracking


  • Communications - email integration (still a bit clunky)
  • Producing reports could be better.
  • It could be simpler - big learning curve.
  • Project Timelines and tracking
  • Task allocation
  • Time sheeting / billable / non billable hours
  • Reporting function for projects and time sheets
  • Capacity tracking
  • Helped us manage our resourcing better.
  • Helped PMs track projects more efficiently and therefore increased productivity.
  • Increased project visibility with our HQ giving recognition for our teams' hard work.
  • Helped the CX team manage capacity and allocate projects as appropriate
Before we took on Wrike we made a comparison between Wrike, Smartsheet, Teamwork and Monday. Wrike was really the only one that ticked all the boxes (at least for our region) on what we needed. You can say that between them the features are quite similar. What we liked about Wrike was the clean interface, it was relatively easy to use and learn, and that you have a customer service team and offered us a lot of support in giving advice and helping us set up.

Do you think Wrike delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Wrike's feature set?


Did Wrike live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Wrike go as expected?


Would you buy Wrike again?


Wrike is better suited for project management, reporting, task management and allocation than it is suited for event management (where something like Cvent would be more appropriate). Time tracking, billable/no-billable hours and hours allocation (for example if you intend for client billing) is functional but still a lot of room for development.

Wrike Feature Ratings

Task Management
Resource Management
Gantt Charts
Workflow Automation
Team Collaboration
Support for Agile Methodology
Support for Waterfall Methodology
Document Management
Email integration
Mobile Access
Timesheet Tracking
Project & financial reporting

Using Wrike

50 - Delivery, Sales and Finance.
All our Project Managers, Engagement Managers, Project Coordinators are on Wrike
2 - We only have 2 main people who manage our Wrike internally who are the product experts and maintain Wrike. They also liaise directly with Wrike and escalate any issues the group is having. I would say you need the following skills in this role
  • Curiosity and a willingness to experiment and explore
  • Have a good working knowledge of wrike features and how best to apply them in any situation
  • Have a Project Management Certification or Degree. Not essential but nice to have - this will help tremendously in setting up templates and project flows / risks and issues etc.
  • Have the ability to explain complex concepts in layman's terms
  • Time sheeting and capacity reporting
  • Project tracking and timelines
  • Task allocation
  • Reporting and updates for leaders
  • Mapping capacity by Pod
  • Assigning projects according to capacity (automations)
  • Processing resource requests through wrike
Wrike has been fully integrated into the way we work. I can honestly say it has helped our organisation grow and has grown with us. We used to be a team of only 2 Project Managers. In less than two years we now have 3 Pods comprised of 3 Engagement Managers, 8 Project Managers and 6 Project Coordinators. Our leader is really grateful at this point that we were able to set up Wrike from the beginning. Onboarding is so much simple when you have project templates, allocating projects is also easier when you have one place managing and giving visibility on individual and pod capacity. I cannot see where we will stop using wrike anytime soon.

Evaluating Wrike and Competitors

  • Price
  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
As mentioned previously, as compared to the others, the features were almost the same. It was the clean, simple interface, usability and customer service that made us choose Wrike.

Wrike Implementation

The implementation could have gone better if we did our homework first. Wrike has so much capability and features. I felt that if we had a better idea on what we needed and what we wanted to do, we would have gotten more out of the implementation / consultant meetings in the beginning. As it was it ended up that a lot of it we had to learn along the way as we grew as a company. Best advice I can give is organise your PMO / internal processes fist, then go into Wrike. Wrike will not fix your processes for you.
Yes - We had a Wrike consultant who brought us through the deployment process.
  1. Project Kick off Call
  2. Process mapping
  3. Workspace Setup
  4. Workflow Training
  5. Change Management Prep
  6. User Training
  7. Launch preparation and checklist
  8. Launch
Change management was a small part of the implementation and was well-handled - At the time of initial deployment, change management was not a huge issue as we were a very small team at the time, which worked in our favour. We were able able to tweak the process and implementation as we saw fit, and it wasn't a giant boat to steer. Nowadays with a bigger team, in hindsight it was the right decision that we put processes in place and had a good initial set up - As a small team we could have easily not be "hassled" to take the time in setting up properly. It is also good to have at least 2 people in-house who will be your Wrike "champions" to help newbies navigate the system
  • Not knowing where to start / what to do. It was intimidating at first
  • We should have done more research on what WE wanted and needed in the beginning
  • People not being on one page on what we wanted / needed. Again, this was our issue and Not Wrike

Wrike Support

They helped us a lot in the beginning in setting up, but it would have been better if it was a more involved process--more guidance on the optimal way of using rather than teaching us the technical side. That aside, it was certainly better than what the other services offered. In fact, this is what tipped our decision to use Wrike. They offered good support from the beginning, and still do until now.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
In the beginning yes. Our team had zero experience in setting up a project management app for the team. We didn't even know where to start! With how integrated Wrike is now with our day to day work it is hard to believe how clueless we were in the beginning. Wrike's help and advice in the beginning really helped set us up for success.
Yes - Yes and no. There were some bugs that were resolved quickly and others that was just how the system is. In fairness they are always evolving and adding new features and fixes.

Using Wrike

Usability off the bat is fairly simple and straightforward, IF you know what you want and are a fairly experienced Project Manager.
If you were totally clueless like we were you will definitely need some guidance from Wrike or hire a PMO expert / lead to guide you through the best use and set up of wrike. Without this guidance and setting parameters and rules in the beginning, it will get messy very quickly. After that it is easy to learn, use and onboard newbies.
Like to use
Easy to use
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
Lots to learn


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