SEO Software

TrustRadius Top Rated for 2024

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Similarweb PRO is a marketing intelligence platform from UK company SimilarWeb.

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(126-150 of 372)

0 reviews

Ontolo is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Ontolo.

Suggestion Keyword Finder

Suggestion Keyword Finder is a search engine optimization software solution offered by DevShed, LLC.

0 reviews

RankAbove is a search engine optimization platform for large companies from the company of the same name headquartered in Tel Aviv. Founded in 2007 and now used by some familiar companies including Electronic Arts, Ebay, Petco, MTV, and others, RankAbove includes core SEO features…

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AMZ Tracker
0 reviews

AMZ Tracker is a search engine optimization software solution offered by

0 reviews

SEO-Browser is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Anduro Marketing.

0 reviews

Altruik was acquired by Searchdex in 2014 to expand that companies SEO offerings. Altruik is a search engine optimization automation platform for ecommerce or online retailers and services which includes features like automated title and element modification to make pages search…

0 reviews

SEOlytics is the name given the SaaS SEO platform from the Hamburg based company of the same name, for analysis of search engine optimization data. With the platform ranking updates, including keyword and SERP data, are tracked and reported. Benchmarking across multiple internationally…

0 reviews

Leadzer is a search engine optimization platform originally developed by Barcelona based company Intelligent SEO which was recently acquired (Jan. 2014) by San Francisco based Insequent, Inc to expand their SEO offerings. Leadzer is a scaled down version of Enterprise platform Matrix,…

0 reviews

serpIQ is a search engine optimization software solution offered by serpIQ.

Seed Keywords
0 reviews

Seed Keywords is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Red Evolution.

Domain Hunter Plus

Domain Hunter Plus is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Netvantage Marketing.

0 reviews

Linkbird is a search engine optimization software solution offered by linkbird GmbH.

Ontolo Link Building Tool

Ontolo Link Building Tool is unsurprisingly a search engine optimization tool focused on building links via prospecting similar content (and its creators) and user-specified phrases to increase the probability that one's own content is located. This hyperfocused tool can be obtained…

Site Condor
0 reviews

Site Condor is a search engine optimization software solution offered by gShift.

Citation Labs Broken Link Finder

Citation Labs Broken Link Finder is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Citation Labs, LLC.

Citation Labs Link Prospector

Citation Labs Link Prospector is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Citation Labs, LLC.

0 reviews

LinkPatrol is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Search Engine Journal.

0 reviews

SECockpit is a search engine optimization software solution offered by SwissMadeMarketing GmbH.

0 reviews

Ginzametrics is built and supported by the similarly named Ginzamarkets, Inc in Mountain View, California, and is an enterprise-level SEO platform that handles search engine optimization marketing analytics, content recommendations, keyword analysis and recommendation, a competitor…

0 reviews

Remove'em is a search engine optimization software solution offered by Remove-em.

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SERP Scan is a search engine optimization tool with functionalities such as query tracking, ranking updates, and competitor tracking.

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SEO Software TrustMap

TrustMaps are two-dimensional charts that compare products based on trScore and research frequency by prospective buyers. Products must have 10 or more ratings to appear on this TrustMap.

Learn More About SEO Software

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of growing traffic from organic search results. Free results on search engines like Google or Bing make up the core of SEO. The approach improves a website’s ranking on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

SEO activities to improve ranking include:

  • Optimizing website structure to make it accessible and clearly understandable to search engine crawlers like Googlebot
  • Providing original and relevant content for end-users
  • Showing value with inbound links from other authoritative websites

Google’s ever-changing search algorithms are designed to improve the relevance of search results for end-users. This can make the SEO process complex. SEO is an area of marketing often outsourced to marketing agencies, consulting groups, and freelancers.

What are SEO Tools?

SEO software helps companies improve and track their SEO progress. A common feature is keyword and content analysis. This ensures that a site uses relevant language and content. The more relevant the content is to a target audience, the better the SEO ranking.

In other words, SEO helps a website speak the ‘language of the web’. This helps sites remain discoverable by search engine crawlers and accessible to visitors. Most SEO solutions will provide an overview of keywords the website is currently ranking for, competitive keyword analysis, and keyword tracking for target keywords. Some tools may also offer a historical view of keyword rankings and related search volume.

SEO Software Features

There are a wide range of SEO platforms available in the market. Below are features that are typically common across different tools:

Keyword Analysis

Keywords are the phrases that represent the content of your website. They are the search terms a user might use to find your website. SEO tools track, recommend, and optimize keywords for your website. The tools find the most relevant keywords given your niche and target audience.

Backlink Analysis

Backlinks are URL listings on other websites linking to your site. These show search engines that your website is valuable and a trusted source of information. Backlinks are crucial in site rankings and reputation. Backlink acquisition, tracking, and analysis is an essential element of SEO software. Many tools will help users identify new backlink opportunities and keep track of existing backlinks.

Crawl Diagnostics/Site Audits

Some SEO software tools can also perform site auditing. Audits assess website structure to suggest improvements. Some solutions will automate the improvement process for you. SEO tools vary in the quantity and quality of SEO audits. Certain tools provide generic best practices, while others have more innovative suggestions.

Reporting & Analytics

Most SEO tools create reports and offer analytics for overall website and keyword rankings. These can include:

  1. Competitive analysis
  2. SERPs ranking tracking
  3. Trend charts
  4. Traffic analytics
  5. Role-specific dashboards (CMO, CEO, etc.)
  6. Share of voice analysis


Many SEO platforms are intended for use by agencies. Larger SEO platforms offer rich and detailed white-label reports for these agencies. They’ll also offer multi-domain management features.

SEO Trends


Mobile optimization has become a key part of SEO. Websites that don’t function on mobile devices will not rank as well on SERPs. They are also less likely to engage mobile visitors. This has become more important as mobile traffic continues to increase. Many companies have now adopted a ‘mobile-first’ approach to web design, ensuring content renders correctly on mobile before making any changes to the website.


Social signals act as an indication of content quality. They have become a key element in search engine algorithms. Likes and shares are social endorsements of your content’s relevance and overall brand. Many SEO products offer social signal tracking and measurement. Some products will also offer integrations with social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for better social engagement and impressions tracking.


Local SEO optimizes a business website for a specific geographic location. Search engines are collecting more information about their users’ locations. The goal is to provide more specific and relevant results. Focusing on local SEO can mean less competition.

SEO vs. SEM Approaches

SEO is closely related to Search Engine Marketing (SEM). SEM is sometimes called PPC (pay-per-click) or paid search marketing. An SEM strategy is focused on gaining website traffic by purchasing ads on search engines, while an SEO strategy focuses on maximizing organic (i.e. non-paid) search results by optimizing website structure and content.

Many companies use both SEO and SEM in their overall marketing strategy - using the same tools in the process. Combining SEO and SEM approaches together is called search marketing. The end goal is to grow website traffic, both organic and paid, from search engines.

SEO Software Comparison

There are many SEO software products available today. Consider these two key factors as you evaluate different SEO tools to help find the best product for your business:

  1. Do you need a comprehensive SEO platform that includes a range of keyword, backlink, and website auditing analysis capabilities? Or would your business be better served trying out a free tool (or two) first? SEO products like Google Trends, Google Search Console, Ahrefs’ Keyword Generator, and Hunter are all free to use. Though they may only focus on one of the feature areas defined above, or have limited functionality. Paid SEO tools are a better choice if your business is looking to adopt an SEO or search marketing strategy.
  2. Would it be more efficient for your business to handle SEO and search marketing in-house, or outsource this work to a marketing agency? If you plan on keeping SEO activities in-house, along with a team of SEO experts, your business will also likely need to invest in at least one paid SEO tool (if not more). However, this makes it easier and faster to communicate with your SEO team and ensure that they are 100% focused on your business’s SEO growth potential. Conversely, working with a marketing agency can help free up time and resources so that your marketing team can focus on other initiatives.

Pricing Information

Some Search Engine Optimization tools are completely free, while others may offer a free version or free trial. Top free examples include Google Trends and Moz Link Explorer. Both offer specific functions, like keyword and backlink research.

Paid SEO platforms usually start at $99/mo. for the ‘pro’ level. Enterprise-level tools can run up to hundreds of dollars per month.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one component of ‘search marketing’. The goal of SEO is to increase website traffic from organic search results by optimizing the relevance of your website structure and content. There are multiple SEO software products available that help businesses track their website and keyword rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) for Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

How to grow website traffic using SEO?

Using search engine optimization software and following SEO best practices, businesses can make a few important changes to help grow their organic traffic:

  1. optimizing your website structure and content to make it more ‘readable’ for search engine crawlers like Googlebot
  2. enhancing the content on your website to make sure it’s authoritative, informative, and relevant content for end-users
  3. signaling that your website is a trusted source of information by earning inbound links (backlinks) from other highly-authoritative websites

What are the Top Rated SEO platforms?

Based on third-party ratings and review data from TrustRadius, the Top Rated SEO software products are:

To learn more about other available SEO solutions, visit the TrustRadius SEO Software category page.

What is the best free SEO software?

There are a number of free SEO tools available in the market, including some tools that have both free and paid versions. Popular free SEO tools include:

Most free tools focus on a narrow set of SEO capabilities, such as keyword research, rank tracking, backlinks, analytics, or webpage optimization recommendations. Paid tools will cover all of these areas and provide additional capabilities like competitive keyword analysis.

How much does SEO software cost?

There are a number of free SEO tools available (see list above). Paid SEO platforms can range from $20/mo. to $100/mo. for standard SEO tools. Enterprise-level plans may cost multiple hundreds of dollars per month, depending on how extensive the feature set is and how many licenses are needed.