Heaps of feedback on Heap
Rating: 8 out of 10
October 31, 2022
Vetted Review
Verified User
1 year of experience
We use Heap as a no-code dashboarding and analytics tool (mostly) for Marketers. It reduces overhead on our Data Science and Analytics teams as it removes requests for ad hoc analysis and dashboarding that Marketers can relatively easily build themselves in just a few clicks without having to rely on a Data Analyst build it out in something like Tableau.
- Dashboards
- Analytics
- No code dashboarding
- Could implement gamification to augment habit and frequency of using Heap features
Tableau offers more advanced features, but at a much higher cost across all dimensions: price, difficulty of implementation and integration, onboarding effort, prior knowledge required, etc.
- Dashaboards
- Analysis
- Charts
- Nothing, really
Yes, but I don't use it